var Car = function(model, owner){
 this.model = model;
 this.owner = owner;
 this.pastOwners = [];
Car.prototype.honk = function(){
 return this.model + " honked!";
Car.prototype.sellCar = function(newOwner){
 var oldOwner = this.owner;
  if (code == 404){
return oldOwner;
  } else {
   return "Invalid Code!";
 this.owner = newOwner;
Car.prototype.sellCar = function(newOwner){
   return function(code){
   if (code == 404){
    return pastOwner;
   } else {
    return "Invalid Code!";
 this.owner = newOwner;
// now let's create another class that inherits from Car
var myCar = function(model, owner, color){
 Car.apply(this, [model, owner]); // this line of code is interesting
 this.color = color;
// recall that ".apply" simply assigns the "this" of the function to whatever you specify
// which means that when we define
// var x = new Car("Honda", "Franklyn", "red");
// x is being assigned as "this" in Car.
// so x.model = model, x.owner = owner, x.pastOwners = []
// we've assigned all the surface stuff,
// but haven't assigned a prototype.
// We have a new object for which we'eve defined model, owner and pastOwners,
// but its prototype is currently still the generic {}.
// There are now two ways to set the prototype of x to Car
// 1. Using Object.create()
// recall that Object.create(proto) returns an object whose prototype is "proto"
myCar.prototype = Object.create(Car.prototype);
// why we need OBject.create(Car.prototype) rather than Object.create(Car) because
// Car is not the prototype. Car.prototype is the prototype.
// 2. Using Object.setPrototypeOf()
// Object.setPrototypeOf(myCar.prototype, Car.prototype);
var x = new Car("Honda", "Franklyn", "red");