Кнопка PrimeFaces на панели прокрутки, которая находится во вкладке

У меня есть вид в диалоге:

 <p:scrollPanel style="height: 610px; width: 740px;">
    <p:messages id="messages" showDetail="false" autoUpdate="false" closable="true" />
    <p:tabView id="tabs">
      <p:tab id="header" title="Ogólne">
        <ui:include src="Header.xhtml" />
      <p:tab id="source" title="Pomiary" >
        <ui:include src="Source.xhtml" />

И источник:

<p:scrollPanel style="height: 530px;">
  <p:panelGrid >
      <p:column >
            <p:commandButton actionListener="#{huSourcesController.newAF()}" 
                             immediate="true" update="StudyForm-tabs-AFcoll"
              <p:ajax process="StudyForm-tabs-AFcoll" partialSubmit="true" />
            </p:commandButton >
      <p:column >
            <p:commandButton actionListener="#{huSourcesController.newGM()}" 
                             immediate="true" update="StudyForm-tabs-GMcoll"
              <p:ajax process="StudyForm-tabs-GMcoll" partialSubmit="true" />
            </p:commandButton >

When I click a button on top scrollpanel it work fine, but when I scroll down to button which I not see before scroll and click it, It scrolling to up and don't fire event/action. When I again scroll to this button and click again it work fine, but if I click other button which I don't see on before scroll I must again double time click this button to fire event/action. When I past "source.xhtml" to first tab it work normal. Why it work like this? how change it to work normal?

Я использую JSF 2.2 и Primefaces 6.0.

person Mateusz    schedule 06.03.2017    source источник

Ответы (1)

Решение: добавьте mode="native" в scrollPanel на второй вкладке.

person Mateusz    schedule 06.03.2017
Спасибо. ты спас мой день. - person Tomáš Johan Prítrský; 12.05.2021