недопустимый аргумент envir типа closure в R shiny

Я получаю «недопустимый аргумент 'envir' типа 'closure'» вместо графиков на блестящей панели инструментов R. Не удалось выяснить ошибку. Я пытаюсь разделить данные в зависимости от выбора почтового индекса. Было бы здорово, если бы здесь кто-нибудь мог помочь


varsfilter = unique(final_kings_house_data$zipcode)
vars = unique(final_kings_house_data$zipcode)

if (interactive()) {
header <- dashboardHeader(title = "Kings County Housing Data")

sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(

  sidebarSearchForm(label = "Enter a number", "searchText", "searchButton"),

    id = "tabs",
    menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")),
    menuItem("Widgets", icon = icon("th"), tabName = "widgets", badgeLabel = "new",
             badgeColor = "green"),
    menuItem("Charts", icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
      menuSubItem("Trend Chart", tabName = "subitem1"),
      menuSubItem("Scatter Plot", tabName = "subitem2")),

     selectInput("filtervar", "Select zipcode", choices = vars),
     checkboxGroupInput("filteroptions", "Select zipcode", choices = varsfilter)))

body <- dashboardBody(
    tabItem("subitem1", fluidRow(

      tabsetPanel(id = "tabselected",
      tabPanel("Visualization", uiOutput("Tab1")),
      tabPanel("Summary", uiOutput("Tab2"))))),

      "Widgets tab content"),


      tabItem("subitem2",  fluidRow(

      tabsetPanel(id = "tabselected",
      tabPanel("Visualization", uiOutput("Tab3")),
      tabPanel("Summary", uiOutput("Tab4"))

  ui = dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body),
 server = function(input, output,session) {

     kings_house_data = reactive({
     a = subset(final_kings_house_data, final_kings_house_data$zipcode == input$vars)

        view_aggregate = reactive({kings_house_data() %>% group_by(view) %>% summarise(price = mean(price))})  
        condition_aggregate = reactive({kings_house_data() %>% group_by(condition) %>% summarise(price = mean(price))})
        floors_aggregate = reactive({kings_house_data() %>% group_by(floors) %>% summarise(price = mean(price))})
        month_aggregate = reactive({kings_house_data() %>% group_by(month) %>% summarise(price = mean(price))})

          output$Tab1 = renderUI({

                 column(6,plotOutput(outputId = "viewplot", width="300px",height="300px")),
                 column(6,plotOutput(outputId = "conditionplot", width="300px",height="300px"))),
                 column(6,plotOutput(outputId = "floorsplot", width="300px",height="300px")),
                 column(6,plotOutput(outputId = "monthplot", width="300px",height="300px"))))


           output$Tab3 = renderUI({

                 column(6,plotOutput(outputId = "view_scatterplot", width="300px",height="300px")),
                 column(6,plotOutput(outputId = "condition_scatterplot", width="300px",height="300px"))),
                 column(6,plotOutput(outputId = "floors_scatterplot", width="300px",height="300px")),
                 column(6,plotOutput(outputId = "month_scatterplot", width="300px",height="300px"))))


    output$viewplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ view , data = view_aggregate,
                                         title = "Avg Price Vs View", xlab = "View", ylab = "Avg Price in thousands", type = "o", col = "red")})
    output$conditionplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ condition, data = condition_aggregate,
                                         title = "Avg Price Vs Condition", xlab = "Condition", ylab = "Avg Price in thousands", type = "o", col = "red")})
    output$floorsplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ floors, data = floors_aggregate,
                                         title = "Avg Price Vs No. of Floors", xlab = "No. of Floors", ylab = "Avg Price in thousands", type = "o", col = "red")})
    output$monthplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ month, data = month_aggregate,
                                         title = "Avg Price Vs Month", xlab = "Month", ylab = "Avg Price in thousands", type = "o", col = "red")})
    output$view_scatterplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ view , data = kings_house_data(),
                                         title = "Price Vs View", xlab = "View", ylab = "Price in thousands", col = "red")})
    output$condition_scatterplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ condition, data = kings_house_data(),
                                         title = "Price Vs Condition", xlab = "Condition", ylab = "Price in thousands", col = "red")})
    output$floors_scatterplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ floors, data = kings_house_data(),
                                         title = "Price Vs No. of Floors", xlab = "No. of Floors", ylab = "Price in thousands", col = "red")})
    output$month_scatterplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ month, data = kings_house_data(),
                                         title = "Price Vs Month", xlab = "Month", ylab = "Price in thousands", col = "red")})


person Sreekanth Krishna    schedule 08.12.2017    source источник
Не могли бы вы отформатировать остальную часть вашего кода?   -  person Simon    schedule 08.12.2017

Ответы (1)

Привет, эта ошибка (invalid 'envir' argument of type 'closure') означает, что в R вы указали функцию в качестве аргумента, когда вам действительно нужно значение функции. В Shiny это почти всегда, когда кто-то забыл добавить скобки () после реактивного состояния. В этом случае вы сделали это правильно для kings_house_data, но забыли скобки после view_aggregate, condition_aggregate, floors_aggregate и month_aggregate

Вот исправленная часть вашего кода

output$viewplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ view , data = view_aggregate(),
                                    title = "Avg Price Vs View", xlab = "View", ylab = "Avg Price in thousands", type = "o", col = "red")})
output$conditionplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ condition, data = condition_aggregate(),
                                         title = "Avg Price Vs Condition", xlab = "Condition", ylab = "Avg Price in thousands", type = "o", col = "red")})
output$floorsplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ floors, data = floors_aggregate(),
                                      title = "Avg Price Vs No. of Floors", xlab = "No. of Floors", ylab = "Avg Price in thousands", type = "o", col = "red")})
output$monthplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ month, data = month_aggregate(),
                                     title = "Avg Price Vs Month", xlab = "Month", ylab = "Avg Price in thousands", type = "o", col = "red")})
output$view_scatterplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ view , data = kings_house_data(),
                                            title = "Price Vs View", xlab = "View", ylab = "Price in thousands", col = "red")})
output$condition_scatterplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ condition, data = kings_house_data(),
                                                 title = "Price Vs Condition", xlab = "Condition", ylab = "Price in thousands", col = "red")})
output$floors_scatterplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ floors, data = kings_house_data(),
                                              title = "Price Vs No. of Floors", xlab = "No. of Floors", ylab = "Price in thousands", col = "red")})
output$month_scatterplot = renderPlot({ plot(price/1000 ~ month, data = kings_house_data(),
                                             title = "Price Vs Month", xlab = "Month", ylab = "Price in thousands", col = "red")})
person Bertil Baron    schedule 08.12.2017
Да, конечно. Я только что сделал. Новое здесь. Отныне буду помнить об этом. - person Sreekanth Krishna; 09.12.2017